Sleep is like that moment when your mom used to pick you up from a friends house as a kid. When the whole day was spent thinking of things to do, and a stroke of genius was only able to hit you at the last minute. Sleep is the end of a perfect first date, where you say …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Lost Purpose
Recently I’ve been thinking about my motivation and self-purpose. I began to ask myself what it is exactly that keeps me going? Of course, it’s always some sort of passion that drives people but what I have as my motivating factor does not warrant that title. Years pondering what ‘the meaning of life’ means to …
With a simple google search, you will see there are various different interpretations on the stages of grief. The 6 I think best encapsulate the stages of grief are as follows: SHOCK DENIAL ANGER BARGAINING DEPRESSION ACCEPTANCE I have just finished my worst semester of college. My grade …
Why Do I Attend College?
After leaving class disarrayed for the millionth time, I asked myself (for the millionth time), “Why do I attend college?”. Some of these professors are terrible at their job, and most of the time I figure out that the things they teach could be/are learned independently. If anything, I guess school provides the motivation and …
If you trip on a ledge, don’t stumble your way into falling off a cliff
When you fall, you don’t always have to start from the beginning. What do I mean by that? Well, I commonly see a lot of people who set goals for themselves, and consistently under perform on what they set out to do. After about the first failure, discouragement creeps in and finally the goals …
Continue reading “If you trip on a ledge, don’t stumble your way into falling off a cliff”
Sitting in on Classes
I get many questions about why I sit in on classes as opposed to actually taking them. The first reason is to get knowledge just like any other class. Which always raises the real question, “Why don’t you just enroll?” I don’t have natural mathematical ability to be assessed on how fast I can learn …
Competition is what’s said to be one of the leading factors in the growth of human development, the drive we have between each other to be the best. This power can take shape in a variety of forms from the extremely beneficial motivator, to the most crushing force of despair. I myself find this force …
Tips For College
Learning isn’t the same with everyone. Don’t get discouraged if you’re not making the grades everyone else is — you’re there to learn (and unfortunately pass so you don’t lose money), and will use your knowledge that you learned just as effectively as anyone else in the workforce(or at least a good 50% of the …
About Me
I’m a computer science student in college hoping to one day achieve a masters degree but, as indicated by the name of the blog, I’m slowly realizing that may never happen… After numerous hours spent dawdling over the idea that I may never graduate, this idea for a website slowly morphed into…this. Hopefully, things will start looking …